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Please check all interests and skills that apply below to let us know how you can contribute.
If you would like to apply for a subsidy for DJC membership, please complete SUBSIDY REQUEST FORM first. Once that is approved, you will be able to register here! Please contact our Office Manager if you want more information or need help with completing the form:
Membership fees are determined by dividing the operating budget of the Circle, less school and other revenues, by the number of dues paying members. For the coming year, that calculation comes to an actual cost of $1,119 per adult or $2,238 per couple/family.
DJC has a proud history of providing a pay-what-you-can-model and offers a sliding scale from which to choose, allowing those who can afford more to help those who cannot.
In these times of increasing costs we ask all members to do the very best they can. If you are unable to pay at the higher end of the scale, please help us meet rising costs by considering adding at least $200 per person more than you paid last year.
If you like, you are welcome to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush during the year with an additional payment of: $108 (tax receipt issued)
The DJC is committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access. For activities at our East End United Church location, we provide:
A ramp, electronic door opener An accessible washroom An elevator During services: a designated seated area close to the door and washrooms, with unobstructed views of the bima, and close to the loudspeakers During community events: an understanding that members refrain from wearing scents During services: large print siddurim During events: ingredient labels on all foods served